ΤΗΕ FIRST PART OF A BUNDLE OF 3 BASE3 NUMERICAL PROPOSALS (encointerUBI-Digit1, encointerUBI-Digit2, encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3)
PROPOSAL DESCRIPTION: Every cryptocurrency, after having a burst due to early adopters, it slowly declines because the new generations have no incentives to join it. The new generations and the late adopters prefer to create their own new coin. The basic income or the faucets are smart methods in order to fix the injustices of the coin emission curve, to incentivize the late adopters and the new generations to join a cryptocurrency and thus keep the coin alive. But in order to give a basic income or a fair faucet, a strong proof of personhood is required.
The Encointer community implements a unique proof of personhood method that combines strong identification and anonymity (a similar method was also proposed in Dash, back in 2017). In this proposal the masternodes are inviting the Encointer communities to join the Dash community. The Encointer communities are mainly local communities and are using local cryptocurrencies, but they also need a universal currency for their international exchanges. By offering them a basic income paid in Dash in their Dash addresses (all the Encointer members will be required to open Dash addresses in order to claim their Dash basic income) we make the Encointer members also Dash members and we incentivize them to use the Dash crypto as a medium for their international (and intercommunity) exchanges. Dash becomes that way an early adopter as the first universal coin that will be used by the Encointer communities. Dash community members are free to become Encointer members, to bootstrap a new local Encointer community and of course to participate to any Encointer meeting worldwide, and thus examine their procedures and benefit from them. We strongly recommend the MNOs to participate in any local Encointer meeting, to receive their basic income and find out that their vote is not in vain.
VOTING CONDITIONS: This set of BASE3 proposals will remain in the budget for 24 months asking every month the voted basic income, and hoping that the DCG will implement a numerical vote solution so that this base3 method will become obsolete. Depending on the masternodes' participation in this numerical vote, a monthly yes/no proposal may be added at the next budget cycle, asking for the average of the previous month's numerical votes to be paid as basic income to the entire Encointer community. You can change your numerical vote at any time during these 24 months, in order for it to better adapt to the growth and value of the Encointer community. Finally, in case the proposal owner decides to change the numerical voting range, the semantic protocol requires for this to be mentioned in the name of the proposal of the last digit (currently encointerUBI-Range-0-242-Digit3), so that the voters are informed properly with something written in the blockchain, and thus cannot be tricked.
SUPPORT TOOLS: Get dynamic information from the blockchain, and discover the current number of proven individuals that participate to each Encointer community. Also look at the voting outcome, as reported by the latest mnowatch report. Multiply the outcome by the chunk 9.3 to discover the decided dash to be given.
THE QUESTION: How many Dash would you like to be offered the next month as Basic Income for the entire Encointer community ? (a vote from 0 Dash to 242 Dash) . The (decimal) number I would like to vote is ... ------ VOTE HERE (for all three proposals)